Common Sense With Money

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Be Careful with Financial Monster

Howdy, heres the other useful Insurance Planning Tips

 There are several books that discuss on how to manage family finances. There is one thing that i think deserve to be observed because many people are unconsciously making a big mistake and included into the category of stupid to manage their finances. I will describe some examples of big mistakes in financial management which i mean: 

  1. Buying luxury cars
    •  Have you ever wondered how the price of the luxury car tax? or what is the cost of maintenance?
  2. Buying luxury electronic devices
    •  Have you already thought about the cost of maintenance and whether the selling price of a return?
  3. Has a lot of credit cards
    • Psychologically, credit cards will spur the owner to continue using it because of the many services offered. But please do not forget, they (the credit card vendor) would be delighted if you do not have to pay the entire bill, because the calculation of interest payable will be very profitable for the vendor.
The core of the financial problems in the family that often arises is because it is too imposing for the needs of the family finances, which should be secondary in the resistance. Needs - this is usually a secondary requirement is closely related to human lifestyle. We are busy to continue to meet the lifestyles without realizing the negative effects of such habits. Secondary needs which succeeded in forcing us to cash flows devastated the family I call the monster that is ready to destroy the family finances within a certain timeframe.

so, plan your insurance ....

warm regards ,
- - Easily Applied Insurance Planning Tips


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sometimes those things that have been mentioned above do insist us never to listen to our logical thoughts. Otherwise, the desires they give will just keep making us consume and consume even more, over again day by day indefinitely :)


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